Pine Lake Covenant Church’s Peace and Pilgrimage Trip
Join this eye-opening spiritual pilgrimage to the Holy Land, including people and places in Israel and the West Bank. Discover the powerful connection between faith and practice, spirituality and action, while exploring the land of the Bible. From the glittering golden domes and contested Holy Sites of Jerusalem; to the stark natural beauty of the Near Eastern landscapes; to the rich history of people, cultures and communities committed to peace in the midst of violent conflict. Learn from both Israeli Jewish and Palestinian guides and guests, who will create opportunities to learn and discuss religious, political, and economic issues facing the region.
Facilitated by religious leaders and professional conflict resolution specialists, this inspirational trip explores the Biblical themes of reconciliation and social justice. Share in fellowship with local Christians, meditate on mountaintop outlooks, and build relationships with local families from the country’s diverse Jewish, Muslim, and Christian communities in a tour that tackles the difficult questions of how Christ calls us to respond in a broken world.
*Please note the price of this trip could drop based on the number of people in the group. Please click on the link for the itinerary at the bottom of this page to see the pricing tiers of this trip.