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The 2017 St. Mark’s Pilgrimage Group (28 St. Mark’s family and friends) will be travelling in the Holy Land October 17 – 28 (with 14 going on to Jordan for an additional 5 days). In Jerusalem, we will worship at St. George’s Cathedral and meet with Bishop Suheil Dawani to present the Maundy Thursday/Good Friday offering for the work of the Diocese of Jerusalem. It is a symbolic gesture from representatives of the St. Mark’s community. While we are absent, we hope you will pray for us and keep in touch through our St. Mark’s Pilgrimage Blog. Our site will be managed by MEJDI Tours. To follow us as we travel you can use the following link:
Before our departure, the travellers from Washington, DC were sent off to journey with a Blessing of the Pilgrims which is included below. We will try to be Thoughtful Listeners and Peacemakers in our actions. Please enter into a pray of intention with us as we travel as did those who witnessed our blessing.
Presider: Today, we ask God’s blessing on these “pilgrims” as they prepare for their journey to the Holy Land.
To the pilgrims gathered: We pray you will be spiritually nourished as you travel to the holy places shared by Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
Pilgrims: We will with God’s help.
Presider: Recognizing the tension and conflict you will encounter, we pray you will minister to one another and those you meet with patience, kindness, and compassion.
Pilgrims: We will with God’s help.
Presider: We pray you will gain new perspectives on the search for a just and lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis alike.
Pilgrims: We will with God’s help.
Presider: When you return, we pray that you will share your experiences of faith and understanding, not only with the St. Mark’s community, but with the wider-world.
Pilgrims: We will with God’s help.
The people stand, as able.
Presider: To the community here gathered, will you keep these pilgrims in your daily thoughts and prayers while they are apart from you?
All: We will.
Pilgrims: And we will keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers each day.
Presider: Let us pray together:
O God, make us instruments of your peace. Fill us with your abiding spirit and strengthen us to be your reconciling presence in the world. Amen