Hevreh’s 10-Day Behind the Scenes Tour of Israel: An Exploration of Religion, Politics, and Economics…and Food
Experience Israel today. Whether you spent time in Israel five months ago, 15 years ago, or this is your first time, there is always something new to experience in Israel. Israel as a young nation is constantly changing, with new developments that seem to come daily. On this trip, participants will have the opportunity to explore Israel as she is, today, by learning from the multiple voices who make Israel both the amazing and challenging place that it is.
Registration is open exclusively to Hevreh members until May 15, 2017, at which point we will open any remaining spots to the broader community.
Price per person: $3389* (after travel grant reimbursement from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation)
*Without the $1,500 Israel Travel and Study Grant from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, travelers are responsible for paying $4,389 based on a minimum of 15 participants in the tour. To qualify for the travel grant, you must reside in Western Massachusetts or Southern Vermont, identify as being Jewish, and not have received an HGF Israel Travel & Study Grant within the last 4 years (adults). Qualified grant applicants will receive a $1,000 reimbursement after the trip from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. For more information and to apply for the travel grant, visit: http://www.hgf.org/