Entries by RB-ADMIN

Days 3 and 4

Today’s blog post comes from Pastor Karyn Bodenschatz It has been a full two days as we learn the land of Jerusalem. We are finding that our trip is unlike many that our tour guides do; we spend a lot of time listening and experiencing as we seek deeper understanding. As the leader, who loves this land […]

Aziz Abu Sarah – Ending the Cycle of Violence in Israel and Palestine

MEJDI Co-Founder Aziz Abu Sarah was featured in an article from the Euphrates Institute, where they shared his story and a video to his interview in the movie HUMANS. In the article, author Janessa Wilder states I so admire Aziz’s transformation and the courageous path he has chosen to spread the lessons he’s learned as far and […]

Update from the First Lutheran Church

We are at the beginning of our second full day in Jerusalem and already our heads are full of the wonder of this amazing city and questions about the things we have seen. The clash of the ancient and  modern was never more clear than when we walked the Stations of the Cross through the […]

MEJDI Co-Founder Aziz Abu Sarah is featured in the movie HUMAN

MEJDI Co-Founder Aziz Abu Sarah was featured in the movie HUMAN, where he shared his story of learning about and be-friending Israelis for the first time. HUMAN is described as – HUMAN is a collection of stories about and images of our world, offering an immersion to the core of what it means to be […]

Religion News Service features MEJDI Tours

Religion News Service recently interviewed MEJDI Co-Founder Aziz Abu Sarah and wrote an article about the unique trips MEJDI offers. In the article, entitled More than Tourism: Holy Land trips advance peacemaking mission, they spoke with past group leaders Pastor David Schmigdall and Pastor John Moyle about their experiences traveling with MEJDI. Moyle states: “The core of what […]


Today’s blog post comes from traveler Stephanie Deutsch and photographs by traveler David Deutsch… A pilgrimage such as ours is full of surprises. I knew we would go to the Temple Mount, the most famous site in Jerusalem but I didn’t know exactly how much we would be able to visit there. I had surprises […]

Day #3…What a Day…What a Trip!

Today’s blog post comes from traveler David Willson. Today we learned about the challenges and issues presented by Israeli settlements in Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem. Sania from Silwan We heard from Sania, a resident of the ancient village of Silwan, a Palestinian community. She spoke about the struggle of families who try to maintain […]

Nooks and Crannies

Today’s blog post comes from David Deutsch… Stephanie and I visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre while on the St. Mark’s pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Needless to say the place was jumping: the overwhelming visual impression of many Christians of different faiths solemnly partaking in the spiritual atmosphere of [one of] the most important places in […]