Entries by RB-ADMIN

The Dead Sea Awaits

This blog entry was brought to you by Juanita B… Many of us had been awaiting today’s trip because we had the opportunity to go to the Dead Sea! However, before we had the pleasure of covering ourselves in mud, we had plenty of other activities ahead of us. The first thing that our Israeli […]

Blog Post: May 22, 2016

This blog entry was brought to you by Arman I… We became exposed to the blazing heat as we walked out of the coach bus to begin our short tour of the Dheisheh Refugee Camp. As our group of about twenty individuals entered the camp, we all heard a loud bang and everyone except for […]

Blog Entry: May 16

This blog entry was brought to you by Amika S… We started our seventh day in Israel with a tour of the most significant Christian, Jewish, and Muslim sites in the Old City of Jerusalem. We started at the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock, the latter of which was unbelievably beautiful, covered […]

Blog Entry: Thursday, May 19

This blog post was brought to you by Amelie R… Thursday was an incredibly eventful day. We began the day with visiting an Israeli settlement beyond the green line and spoke with a member of the Binyamin Regional Council, a council of Jewish settlements in Samaria. We continued to the Palestinian zone of Area A […]

Blog Entry: May 19th Continued

This blog post was brought to you by Connor S… Visiting the city of Rawabi today was the most uplifting moment of my trip to Israel & Palestine so far. Rawabi is the first city planned by and built by Palestinians and is a beacon of hope for the future in an area of the […]

May 15, 2016

This blog post is brought to you by Alec C… In 1942, Hitler’s Third Reich transformed a previous Prisoner’s of War camp into the most ruthless, industrial-level mass murdering machine that the world had ever witnessed. Auschwitz, otherwise known as Birkenau, was seen as the Final Solution’s Architect Heinrich Himmler’s greatest achievement and the most horrific […]

May 17, 2016

This blog post was brought to you by Noam G… Today was a day of many firsts. First time in the settlements, first times in Palestinian territories, and, a first time in a mayor’s office, which, turned out also later that day, my second time as well. “The sound of the train heading to Auschwitz […]

May 14-Colliding Narratives and Definitions

This blog post was brought to you by Melissa M…   In the Middle East, particularly in Israel, just about every term can be defined a thousand ways. We were able to appreciate the diversity in opinions and definitions in the speakers we heard in the morning. We began the day by listening to two […]

Title: Im Tirtzu: “If you will it, it is no dream.”

This blog post was brought to you by Stephanie B… Guest Speakers We started the day by meeting two students from Hebrew University, a premier university in Israel. First we met Ala’a, an Israeli Palestinian student born in Haifa; when he moved to Jerusalem he saw firsthand the divide between the Arabs and Jewish people. […]